⭐ Benjamin Keep的 How Learning Works 系列(1)
Table of Contents Benjamin Keep的 How Learning Works 系列(1) What no one tells you about learning faster Forgetting doesn’t work like you think What happens when you become ...
Table of Contents Benjamin Keep的 How Learning Works 系列(1) What no one tells you about learning faster Forgetting doesn’t work like you think What happens when you become ...
Rustlings HashMap 3 这道题来自 rustling hashmap3 A list of scores (one per line) of a soccer match is given. Each line is of the form : “,,," Example: England,France,4,2 (England scored 4 goals, Fra...
quiz2 题目 rustlings的题目好像会变。现在做的这个quiz2的题目是 // quiz2.rs // // This is a quiz for the following sections: // - Strings // - Vecs // - Move semantics // - Modules // - Enums // // Let's build a little...
案例 在看iter_mut 文档的时候 fn main() { let mut names = vec!["Bob", "Frank", "Ferris"]; for name in names.iter_mut() { *name = match name { &mut "Ferris" => "There is ...
Table of Contents 我的脑子里的不速之客 point 寄生生物是如何操纵人类与社会 假如你是一只吸虫,你现在在一只蚂蚁体内生活了一段时间,但你只能在羊的胆管里进行有性繁殖,而蚂蚁并不在羊的日常菜单上,那么你该如何到达下一个目的地呢? 麦地那龙线虫 疟原虫 FINISHED 我的脑...
Here we create a project named modtest My goal is that functions in test2 can refer to the functions defined in test1 test1.rs: pub fn test1_foo() { println!("test1 foo"); } test2.rs: mod...
刷到一个采访费曼的视频,然后觉得挺好的,记录一下 记者问了一个物理学的问题,为什么两个磁铁会“异性相吸,同性相斥” 接下来费曼的回答,有点意思 费曼首先否定了记者提问的方式,他说:你问的是这件事为什么会发生,你让别人怎么回答这件事为什么会发生这类问题 比方说,米妮阿姨进医院了,为什么? 她外出然后在冰上摔倒了,伤到了臀部,这样的回答已经足够了,但在那些对地球一无所知的外星人看来,这个...
通过交互命令随时创建blog (defun jekyll-insert-date () (interactive) (insert (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) (defconst draft-dir "_drafts") (defconst post-dir "_posts") (defcustom jekyll-b...
使用anki-editor不舒服的地方 因为我现在基本上使用 anki-editor + org-capture 来创建 anki 卡片 capture到的anki.org org entry 会越来越多 会有两个问题 entry数量越来越多,文件也越来越大,不好管理 每次anki-editor-push-notes的时候,默认会去update之前所有的卡片,会做一些检查,因...
第一个 He helped popularize the idea that some diseases not previously thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections, which aroused much controversy when it was first suggested. ...